





  • 通识专业
  • 持久的问题 & 创意核心(GE)
  • 22个单位
  • CBIO 101:综合生物学
  • 4

这个跨学科的, topic-driven course will review relevant issues in biology (and other disciplines) as they relate to current times including biotechnology, 蛋白质合成, 生物多样性, 保护, 进化, 生殖技术, 等. 用当前的科学数据及其与当前问题的关系来讨论哪些问题. 这是一门文科理科课程,借鉴了历史等学科, 神学和哲学. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 需要付实验室费用. Co-requisite: CTHL 101; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take CBIO 101 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • 曾201:世界文学到文艺复兴
  • 3

This course will focus on critical thinking and 研究-based 写作 through comparative and interdisciplinary analysis. 除了讲课和课堂讨论, 对古代西方和非西方文学代表作的研究, 中世纪, 文艺复兴则强调文学, 文化, 以及这些文本的宗教意义. Co-requisite: 因此201年; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take 201年曾 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • cn202:启蒙时代的世界文学
  • 3

This course will focus on critical thinking and 研究-based 写作 through comparative and interdisciplinary analysis. 除了讲课和课堂讨论, the study of representative great works of Western and non-Western literature from the 17th century to the present will emphasize the literary, 文化, 以及这些文本的宗教意义. Co-requisite: 因此202年; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take 202年曾 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • CHST 201:西方与世界
  • 3

本课程将研究主要政治问题的出现与扩展, 文化, 社会, and economic developments in the East and the West from the dawn of Western civilization to the early modern era through the 阅读 of significant texts and 研究-based 写作, 除了讲课和课堂讨论. Co-requisite: 201年曾; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take 因此201年 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • 《博彩平台推荐》
  • 3

这门课将着眼于政治, 文化, 社会, and economic developments in America and the world from the rise of the modern nation/state to the modern age through the 阅读 of significant texts and 研究-based 写作, 除了讲课和课堂讨论. Co-requisite: 202年曾; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take 因此202年 作为一个无关联的课程. 202110.

  • CMTH 101:数学的本质
  • 3

This course will guide students to gain knowledge about the nature of mathematics and develop their analytical reasoning skills to solve problems through topics such as 数论, 概率与统计, ∞, 非欧几里得的几何学, and general problem solving strategies; additional topics selected in dialog with the philosophy course. The overriding goals of this course are to develop a better perspective of mathematics and discover the power of mathematical thinking. 写作和项目,以及传统的评估方法,将被使用. 先决条件: Intermediate Algebra or equivalent; Co-requisite: CPHI 101; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take CMTH 101 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • CPHI 101:哲学导论
  • 3

This course will explore the study and practice of rational inquiry into fundamental questions about human wisdom, action, 通过经典文本对西方哲学传统的研究和创新. Co-requisite: CMTH 101; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take CPHI 101 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • 美术
  • 9单元
  • ART 111:艺术体验
  • 3

本课程将向学生介绍不同的组成部分,从而完成艺术作品. Emphasis will be placed on experimentation with media and techniques used by professional artists during their progression from idea to finished product. 学生将会收到数位媒体的简报,作为课堂专题的指导. 需要付实验室费用. 这门课每学期开一次.

  • MUS 461:儿童音乐
  • 3

本课程将使学生能够识别, 理解, 利用孩子们的音乐能力. The three (3)-unit course is required for music education and liberal studies majors and others interested in developing school music curricula and/or other special skills and projects. The two (2)-unit course is available to others primarily interested in preparing musical activities and cultivating classroom teaching skills. 有基本的音乐阅读能力和音乐经验.

  • THR 111:戏剧体验
  • 3

This activity-oriented course is designed to acquaint students with the ephemeral and experiential nature of the theatre including play-going, 充分展现(我.e.(现场工作),基本的戏剧分析,讨论和出席校园演出.

  • 历史/社会科学
  • 7单元
  • ANT 210:文化人类学
  • 3

了解世界上不同的文化, 从前文字社会到现代科技社会, 这门课的重点是什么, and will include mankind's universal as well as adaptive dimensions; and the examination of socioeconomic, 政治, 宗教, 以及与不同民族的价值观和生活方式有关的自然环境因素.

  • EDLS 304:社会和教育史
  • 1

这个过程遵循政治的过程, 文化, 社会 and economic developments in American education and the world specifically in regard to the founding of US Educational systems and how immigration has affected it. 本课程将着重于阅读重要文本, 在讲授模块和在线课堂讨论的同时进行研究性写作. 前提条件:通关证书或部门批准.

  • HST 478:加州历史
  • 3

The history of California from earliest times to the present with an emphasis on its Hispanic heritage will be the focus of this course.

  • 人类发展/教育
  • 9单元
  • EDUC 101:教学事业导论
  • 1

This introductory course to the field of education and the professional career of the teacher will include the following topics: characteristics of today's learners and of effective teachers and schools; California teacher credentialing procedures; and the university's teacher education program. Fifteen (15) hours of community service in a school or other educational organization serving children are required. 学生必须自行安排前往学校或教育机构的交通工具.

  • EDSP/EDUC 204:不同人群教学导论
  • 2

This course will present the historical and 哲学 foundations of teaching in California schools through the broad examination of the California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs). 通过课程活动,学生将培养对tpe的认识. 学生必须参加20小时的实地考察. Through these observations students will recognize the range of service delivery options for diverse populations of pupils. 所有的野外作业都是大学布置的. 学生需要在k-12公立学校时间完成观察. 学生必须自行安排前往学校的交通工具. 申请教育学院的学生最低成绩必须达到B-. Prerequisites: Certificate of clearance; current TB (tuberculosis) test.

  • EDSP/EDUC 301:多元学习者的典型与非典型发展
  • 3

本课程将介绍主要概念, 原则, 理论, 研究, 以及与典型和非典型认知相关的应用, 社会, 情感, 物理, 以及儿童和青少年学生在包容性课堂中的道德发展. 学生将学习主要概念, 原则, 以及与人类学习相关的研究, 成就, 动机, 行为, 以及他们在研究轻度到中度残疾的特殊人士的特征时的态度.

  • 鸟叔313:发展心理学:童年
  • 3

The development of physiological and psychological aspects of human growth will be traced from birth through childhood in this course through an examination of the 理论 and 研究 evidence as well as methodological problems as they relate to the growth process. 前提条件:大二或以上.

  • 语言
  • 12个单元
  • COM 111:公众演讲
  • 3

This course will examine the 原则 and practice of effective oral communication and the analysis of the speaking-listening process with an emphasis on informative and persuasive speaking experiences.

  • EDLS 435:语言发展和第二语言习得
  • 3

This course will provide an overview of child language development and second language acquisition for language-minority students as methods and 材料 that enhance language acquisition are presented, 研究了, 和发达.

  • ENG 391:儿童文学
  • 3

作为儿童文学史的概览, this course will examine a wide variety of children's books and related media and strategies for use in the preschool and elementary classroom. 先决条件: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • WRT 102:写作与研究
  • 3

在这门课程中,学生将练习研究方法和各种写作策略,如叙述, 描述, 博览会, 论证, 培养批判性思考者的技能, 读者, 作家通过研究, 阅读, 写作, 还有作家工作坊. 必须以C或更高的成绩完成.


  • WRT 2011:散文的艺术
  • 3

In this course students will explore the aesthetic range of the essay by 阅读 selected works from a variety of authors examining them not only as objects for analysis, 同时也是学生练习写作艺术时进行文体实验的范例. 根据SAT或ACT成绩安排新生.

  • 数学
  • 3单位
  • MTH 301:教师数学
  • 3

This course is designed to meet the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) criteria for students studying to become elementary teachers and will include review of the topics within most elementary mathematics curriculum. 所涵盖的内容领域将是集合理论, 预操作技能, 整数运算, 估计和心算, 数论, 分数, 小数和整数, 有理数和实数, 统计数据, 测量, 几何学包括术语, 多边形, 相似, 同余, 几何坐标, 对称, 反射, 而解决问题的符号贯穿始终. 主题将以适当的数学方法和实践课堂活动的形式呈现. 先决条件:初级或高级职位.

  • 物理教育/医疗
  • 3单位
  • KIN 340:基础体育
  • 3

This is an instructional strategies course that will introduce students to movement and fitness education for children, 包括发展和使用游戏和音乐的主题,以帮助儿童的运动发展, 以及运动学习原理的整合, 运动发育, 运动生理学.

  • 科学
  • 7单元
  • SCI 115:物理科学
  • 4

集成, 化学跨学科导论, 中央科学, 和物理, 基础科学, 强调关键概念, significant chemical and 物理 phenomena and practical applications together with a brief introduction to the historical, 哲学, 在当前基督教护教的背景下,化学和物理的认识论和神学基础. 先决条件: CMTH 101 or m 201 或更高(允许并发注册). 需要付实验室费用.

  • SCI 301:地球科学
  • 3

这是该职位的入门课程, 运动, 以及太阳系和宇宙的性质,包括对地壳空间概念的调查, 材料, 结构, 以及对地形的影响, 土壤, 植被, 自然资源. 大气概览, 它的成分, 使地球表面如此动态的过程也将包括在内. 先决条件:(生物101 or 生物111 or CBIO 101)及(格瓦拉于101年 or 格瓦拉于221年 or SCI 115).


通识教育专业的学生从以下内容领域中选择一个专业领域: 艺术, 儿童发展, 基督学院, 英语, 科学概论, 全球文化研究, 历史, 生命科学, 数学, 音乐, 体育课, 出国留学, or 剧院. 只有一门课程可以用来满足其他通识教育的要求.

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. 请参阅 学术目录 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格获得学位.
